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Report prepared for
karthik ( A101 ) |
Organization |
GE Shipping |
Date of report |
Nov 11 2009
This report will provide you with the results of the 360
degree feedback that you and the people whom you asked for feedback recently completed.
What is 360 Degree Feedback?
360-degree feedback, also known as "multi-rater feedback," or "multisource feedback,"
is feedback that comes from all around an employee. "360" refers to the 360 degrees
in a circle, with an individual figuratively in the center of the circle. Feedback
is provided by direct reports, peers, and managers. It also includes a self-assessment
and, in some cases, feedback from external sources such as customers and suppliers
or other interested stakeholders.
360 Degree Feedback increases individual
self-awareness, and as part of a strategic organisational process can promote:
- Increased understanding of the behaviours required
to improve both individual and organisational effectiveness
- More focused development activities, built around
the skills and competencies required for successful organisational performance
- Increased involvement of people at all levels of the
- Increased individual ownership for self-development
and learning
- Increased familiarity with the implications of cultural
or strategic change
Interpreting Your Feedback
A guide to what you'll
see in your Report |
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Interpreting the Competency Summary
Competency summary provides an overview of your strengths and areas for improvement
for each competency.
Competency Summary : Competency name is displayed to the left of each graph,
others average is shown in between the graph and competency name. The blue bar represents
the average rating of how others see you on this competency and the circle represents
your rating, or how you saw yourself on that competency.
If the blue bar exceeds your circle, others see this competency as your strength.if
the circle exceeds the blue bar you alone see this competency as your strength.
If blue bar and circle are on the same edge then both of you have same view on this
Item rating by competency provides an overview of your strengths
and area for improvement for each question under every competency
Introduction to your feedback
Summarizes the source
and quality of feedback data
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This report is based on the responses of 7 individuals as shown below
Immediate Supervisor |
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1 |
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7 questionnaires were returned in time to be included in this feedback.
Rating Agreement
The level of rater agreement for perspectives with two or more raters is reported
above. The higher the agreement, the more consistent the ratings within the perspective.
Agreement can be low for a number of reasons. Low agreement may indicate that some
raters are less familiar with your performance than others. Low agreement may also
indicate that the raters interact with you in different situations and see different
aspects of your behavior. If the agreement for a perspective is low or moderate
you should take time to consider the likely cause of the inconsistency and to adjust
your evaluation of the feedback appropriately.
Competency summary
Competency / Indicators |
Tot |
Rating |
5.83 |
4.89 |
5 |
4.8 |
5.78 |
5.78 |
5.78 |
6.33 |
5 |
6 |
Item rating by
Competency / Indicators |
Tot |
Rating |
Long Term thinking |
3 |
Vision for her/his organization |
2.67 |
Communication |
3 |
cloistered in him/her |
0 |
Communicates well with other
organizations |
2.67 |
Deep-rooted understanding
of the functions of her/his organization |
2 |
Curiocity in Learning |
4.5 |
Attitude to Promote change |
0 |
------------ Page Break ---------------- |
How About Getting other's
support |
3 |
As a Motivator |
2.33 |
Assertiveness in him/her |
3 |
Rapport with people |
2.67 |
Listening to others |
3 |
Ability to deal with people |
2.67 |
Rate Him/her as a Delegator |
2.67 |
Detail-oriented Approach |
3 |
Rate Him/her as a complimenter |
2.67 |
------------ Page Break ---------------- |
Prioritization |
3.33 |
Trust |
0 |
Admits mistakes |
2.67 |
Honest, credible |
3.33 |
Guts |
3 |
Item ratings from highest to lowest
Competency / Indicators |
Tot |
Rating |
Curiocity in Learning |
4.5 |
Prioritization |
3.33 |
Honest, credible |
3.33 |
Guts |
3 |
Listening to others |
3 |
Detail-oriented Approach |
3 |
How About Getting other's support |
3 |
Assertiveness in him/her |
3 |
Long Term thinking |
3 |
Communication |
3 |
Communicates well with other organizations |
2.67 |
Vision for her/his organization |
2.67 |
Rapport with people |
2.67 |
Rate Him/her as a complimenter |
2.67 |
Ability to deal with people |
2.67 |
Rate Him/her as a Delegator |
2.67 |
Admits mistakes |
2.67 |
As a Motivator |
2.33 |
Deep-rooted understanding of the functions
of her/his organization |
2 |
Item ratings from highest to lowest difference
Competency / Indicators |
Tot |
Rating |
Deep-rooted understanding of the functions
of her/his organization |
2 |
Honest, credible |
3.33 |
Vision for her/his organization |
2.67 |
Assertiveness in him/her |
3 |
Listening to others |
3 |
Guts |
3 |
As a Motivator |
2.33 |
Prioritization |
3.33 |
Admits mistakes |
2.67 |
Rate Him/her as a complimenter |
2.67 |
Ability to deal with people |
2.67 |
Rate Him/her as a Delegator |
2.67 |
Rapport with people |
2.67 |
Long Term thinking |
3 |
How About Getting other's support |
3 |
Communication |
3 |
Curiocity in Learning |
4.5 |
Communicates well with other organizations |
2.67 |
Detail-oriented Approach |
3 |